Headshot of Professor Rosendo
Unity Hall 277
+1 (508) 8316178
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B.Eng Mechanical Engineering, Bahia Federal University, Brazil 2008
M.S. Information Science, Hokkaido University, Japan 2011
Ph.D. Information Science, Osaka University, Japan 2014
Postdoc Engineering, University of Cambridge 2017

I deeply enjoy teaching courses where students combine theoretical components to a practical application. I have been a faculty at ShanghaiTech University, China, for five years, where I created syllabi and taught two courses on Robotics for over four years. 

While in China I organized outreach activities, teaching Scratch programming to children from low-income neighborhoods in Shanghai. Here in WPI my MQPs usually combine machine learning algorithms with robots and manipulators, or cool/innovative inventions that my students may have! 

I focus on the design of robots and soft robots, and on the application of learning algorithms to efficiently search control parameters for soft manipulators and legged/whegged robots.

A transformable robot with an omnidirectional wheel-leg

TechXplore featured the research of Robotics Engineering Assistant Teaching Professor Andre Rosendo. Along with student Ruixiang Cao, Rosendo created a robot that can seamlessly change its wheels to legs and back again. The development allows the robot to navigate uneven terrain, or climb stairs.