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WPI student Maria Daigle presented her poster submission, "Deeper Learning in Paraguay: Relations between Student Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Skills, Outcomes, and Aspirations" at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). on 7-9 March 2019, in Paris, France. The presentation provided an overview of social, emotional, and cognitive skills in students at Escuela Agrícola, a rural Paraguayan vocational-agricultural high school. Connections between these skills and student outcomes -- including self-efficacy, aggression, academic achievement, and career aspirations -- were analyzed in relation to students' impoverished backgrounds. The results highlight the school's success in providing positive outcomes for students regardless of their family's poverty level. Maria is a double major in Psych and BME.

Escuela Agrícola is run by Fundacion Paraguya. Professor Erin Ottmar served as her MQP advisor.