Minor in Statistics

Data Science

WPI’s minor in Statistics will give you the knowledge and tools needed to carry out research and project work that utilizes advanced statistical methods. Through our comprehensive program, you will learn how to design reliable studies and surveys, model complex data, and analyze research results.

Value Proposition Description

The minor is appropriate for students in a wide variety of majors who are interested in experimental design and data analysis.

Math professor teaching statistics on projector


You will select a progressive sequence of five foundational, intermediate, and advanced statistics courses covering topics including linear algebra, applied statistics, probability, and risk theory. With approval, you may choose to take a graduate course from WPI’s Applied Statistics graduate program.

A capstone, either within an advanced course or as an Independent Study Project, will enable you to synthesize your learning by applying statistical methods to a problem of interest.

Planning for a Statistics Minor

For more information about the Statistics Minor and to set up an appointment to discuss courses and the capstone experience, please contact Prof. Carly Thorp (cthorp@wpi.edu) and/or contact gr-stats-minor@wpi.edu.  

You can declare a Statistics Minor directly in workday (see this hub article) and the planning and approval form are at the link to the right. Please note that you must have your Capstone Experience approved in advance of taking the associated course or independent study.