Kimberly LeChasseur

Sr. Research and Evaluation Associate
+1 (508) 8316261
Department : Center for Project Based Learning

As a Research & Evaluation Associate with the Morgan Teaching and Learning Center, Kimberly LeChasseur assists faculty in clarifying, documenting, communicating, and using what they know about the processes and effects of their teaching and research. Kimberly facilitates professional learning about research and evaluation through faculty learning communities and consults with faculty to facilitate scholarly writing and publishing on teaching and learning, co-design and draft evaluation and assessment plans, inform the selection or creation of assessments, and analyze data about the value and areas in need of improvement for faculty- and staff-led projects. Kimberly has a joint appointment with the Center for Project-Based Learning where she will be focusing specifically on WPI’s signature pedagogy and assisting colleges and universities in the shift to project-based classes, programs, and institutions.