Confidential Resource Advisors

All members of the Title IX Team serve impartially and without conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally or an individual complainant or respondent.  If you have a concern about conflict of interest or bias, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at or 508-831-6514.

All members of the Title IX Team receive training on WPI’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Title IX, as required by federal law.  More information on the training can be accessed through the “Title IX Team Training Materials” tab.

Confidential Resource Advisors

Confidential Resource Advisors (CRA’s) are WPI employees (not pastoral counselors, professional counselors, or therapists) who have received special training to be a confidential source of support for WPI community members.  

Speaking with a CRA means that no report will be made to the Title IX Office or the WPI Police Department, unless required by law.  Reporting to a CRA is not considered notice to WPI that Sexual Misconduct has allegedly occurred.  

CRA’s can provide information on reporting options and the effects of each reporting option; the grievance processes under this Policy; counseling and medical services available at WPI and in the local community; and the legal process carried out through local law enforcement and a WPI community member’s rights and WPI’s responsibilities with respect to no-contact orders and legal protective orders.  CRAs may assist a WPI community member in contacting or reporting to the Title IX Office or law enforcement, if requested by the WPI community member.  CRAs can provide information on supportive measures at WPI may also assist the Title IX Office in arranging supportive measures for a WPI community member if requested.  A CRA can continue to be a source of support throughout the process and can serve as your advisor during the grievance process if you and the CRA agree.   

Any party involved in a Sexual Misconduct incident can speak with a CRA, but CRAs may not provide services to adverse parties.  WPI will not discipline, penalize, or otherwise retaliate again a CRA for representing the interest of the party they are assisting.  Communications with a CRA are confidential and CRAs must ensure that confidentiality is maintained, unless otherwise required by law.  Specifically: 

  • CRAs will not disclose confidential information without the prior written consent of the party who shared that information; provided, however that the CRA may be cross-examined if the CRA testifies at the hearing under this Policy or in court after being given written consent to do so by the party. 
  • Communications with CRAs will not be subject to discovery and will be inadmissible in the grievance process under this Policy or in court without the prior written consent of the party who shared that information.

Other confidential resources include: 

Complainants- Deciding what to do after experiencing a Title IX / Sexual Misconduct incident/situation can be difficult. You can speak with a CRA about what has happened confidentially. This means that nothing Speaking with a CRA means that no report will be made to the Title IX Office or the WPI Police Department, unless required by law. The CRAs can assist you with obtaining other resources and can help you decide what, if any, of your reporting options you wish to pursue. Your CRA can continue to be a source of support throughout the rest of the process, no matter what option you choose.

Respondents - It can be difficult to decide what to do when accused of violating WPI’s the Interim Title IX & Sexual Misconduct Policy . You can speak with a CRA about what has happened confidentially. This means that speaking with a CRA means that no report will be made to the Title IX Office or the WPI Police Department, unless required by law. CRA’s can also work with you when it comes to decisions regarding support services, resources, and options available to you. Your CRA can continue to be a source of support throughout the entire pro cess. Unless indicated otherwise, every CRA can assist any member of the WPI community (staff, faculty, students, visitors) regardless of whether they are a complainant or a respondent.

Current CRAs

Kate Beverage, Academic Technology Center,, 508-831-6012

Tony Laing, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging,, 508-831-6382

Debra Ofcarcik, School of Engineering,, 508-831-4694

Suzette Santiago, Program Manager, Pre-Collegiate Outreach Programs,, 508-831-5000 x4900, Office location: 20 Trowbridge

Other Confidential Resources

Other confidential resources available at WPI are employees of Student Health Services, employees of the Student Development and Counseling Center (SDCC), a pastoral counselor working at WPI, and the WPI Ombudspersons.

Other confidential resources include:

In addition, there are many community resources that can also support you in the process of reporting Sexual Misconduct to law enforcement, pursuing an external civil or criminal process, and/or seeking a court-issued protective order. Pathways for Change and YWCA Daybreak both offer free services such as counseling and/or advocacy to survivors. The Victim Rights Law Center offers free legal advice for students survivors of sexual assault in Massachusetts.