
Office of Sustainability

Do you enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables?  Chartwells Dining Services and the Office of Sustainability are pleased to invite your participation in a CSA from Stillman’s Farm this year. 

What’s a CSA?  It’s Community Supported Agriculture.  A Community Supported Agriculture is a way to buy local food directly from a farmer in a “market share” of vegetables and fruit that the farm selects based on harvest availability between mid-June until mid-October.  Your “share” is packed at the farm and includes whatever fruits and vegetables they have in season. (Learn more here.)

How will the CSA work on campus?  In order to qualify for an on-campus delivery and price of $500,  we require 15 participants in the program.  The cost is $500 for the 16-week season, to be paid in advance, and deliveries would be made on Monday afternoon.  You would be required to pick up your produce between 2 – 3 pm (this time is just an example and may change when the final arrangements are made with the farm) at a specific location in Morgan Hall.  You would have to commit to this time; if you are not available, arrangements to have a colleague pick up your share would be necessary. The farm will provide each participant two reusable bags.  Any food not picked up by the end of the hour would be donated to Chartwells.

If you would like to commit to this program, please send an email to Shavaun Cloran at and Paul Mathisen, Director of the WPI Office of Sustainability, at  First come, first served, so please don’t wait long to make your decision! Once we have 15 interested parties, we will direct you to the appropriate site for purchasing in advance.