April 10, 2013

Project Presentation imageApril 10: Sustainability Projects Competition

Envisioning Sustainable Futures

At other schools, sustainability might mean clubs and banners and pitching in on recycling drives. At WPI, sustainability is woven into the mission—and the curriculum. Perhaps the least tangible, but most promising, greening is taking place in WPI’s classrooms, project sites, and laboratories, with student- and faculty research and new academic initiatives. Since 2008 WPI has offered an interdisciplinary bachelor of arts degree in environmental studies.

Today WPI hold its fifth annual sustainability project competition, Envisioning Sustainable Futures, from 2-4 pm in Gordon Library. The poster presentations showcase sustainability-themed projects from the Great Problems Seminar, IQPs, MQPs, theses, or any class project that embraces the theme. This friendly competition offers a cash prize, as well as chance to learn how student work is improving the future of Planet Earth.

The 2013 competition includes separate categories for first year students, undergraduates, and graduate students. The posters will be reviewed by a panel of judges, and a cash prize of $200 will be awarded in each category.

For more information, contact Susan Wenc at sjwenc@wpi.edu or Liz Tomaszewski at ltomasz@wpi.edu.

See a sampling of sustainability projects from previous competitions: http://www.wpi.edu/about/sustainability/wpipro02.html

Learn more about WPI’s sustainability in the WPI curriculum: http://www.wpi.edu/about/sustainability/ourpro86.html