January 15, 2015

Nominations sought for Teaching Assistant  and Peer Learning Assistant awards

The Outstanding Teaching Assistant award and the Peer Learning Assistant of the Year award serve as a means of recognizing the contributions of excellent graduate TAs to high-quality undergraduate education at WPI, along with the contributions of undergraduate PLAs and similar undergraduate instructional assistants and tutors. Please consider making a nomination for this award.

All graduate TAs appointed for at least one semester in the last 12 months are eligible for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant award.

All undergraduates employed or appointed to provide academic assistance to peers within the last year are eligible, including peer learning assistants, senior tutors, senior assistants, writing tutors, MASH tutors, peer academic coaches, and similar positions. People who wish to recognize undergraduate students in these teaching positions are asked to nominate them for the PLA award rather than the Student Employee of the Year award.

An effective nomination typically consists of letters from faculty or supervisors and from students. Letters should be sent, either individually or as a package, to Deb Graves (djgraves@wpi.edu), Provost’s Office, Boynton Hall, by Friday, Jan. 23. Paper or electronic documents will be accepted.

Last May, WPI graduate student Ross Lagoy received the 2014 Outstanding Teaching Assistant award. Lagoy was selected unanimously out of eight candidates for his dedication to student learning, innovative approaches to teaching, and contributions to new course development.
