For Advisors

The 2024 34th  Annual WPI Invitational Mathematics Meet will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024, look forward to seeing you then! 

We invite your school to send to the meet a team of four students, accompanied by a faculty advisor. The members of your team may be chosen from any grade level in your school. The contest will consist of two rounds of competition. The first round will be individual competition and the second round will be a team effort. Both rounds will consist of interesting and challenging questions based on the secondary mathematics curriculum up to, but not including, calculus. We are also planning a short program to introduce the students to WPI, as well as a talk about pursuing degrees and careers in the mathematical sciences. In addition, WPI will provide lunch and free WPI Mathematics Meet T-shirts to all the participants and their advisors.

Location: Stratton Hall
Office Location: Room 105
Phone: 508-831-5241

Based upon the scores from the individual round of competition, the student with the highest score will receive a $3,000 scholarship to WPI. Second and third places will receive a $2000 WPI scholarship and $1,500 WPI scholarship, respectively. In addition, each student who does not receive one of these awards, but who is the top scorer from their school's four-person team, will receive a $1,000 scholarship to WPI.

Each team will earn a composite score that will consist of the sum of that team's individual scores and its score in the team round. For those teams with one of the top three composite scores, the three team members who did not receive a scholarship in the individual round will each receive a $1,000 scholarship to WPI. For those teams finishing in the next highest group of three teams, these three students will each receive a $750 scholarship to WPI, while the students in the next highest group of three teams will each receive a $500 scholarship to WPI.

In order to receive the awarded scholarships, students must be accepted to WPI through the normal procedures for admission and must matriculate at WPI as a full time freshman in a degree-granting program. Students who have received scholarship awards at this meet in previous years are eligible to compete and win additional scholarship money only to a maximum total of $3,000 for four years of Mathematics Meet participation.

In addition to the scholarships, it is anticipated that through the generosity of several corporate sponsors additional individual and team awards will be presented.

Because of space limitations and anticipated policies, we must restrict this competition to 50 schools. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis from the schools whose registration is completed by Friday, September 15, 2023.

We have placed the past 10 to 15 years worth of exams and solutions on the web for anyone wishing to do preparation work. We hope that you and your students will accept our invitation to come to WPI and participate in this challenging and rewarding experience.