
Be Well Together

This message was sent to the WPI community.


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Happy Valentine’s Day! Did you know that Worcester was once a center of the American Valentine industry? Learn more here! To pay homage to Worcester’s (and WPI’s!) Valentine’s spirit, we encourage you to take some time today to show others that you care about them, with random acts of Valentine’s kindness like:


  • Drop a note to someone you don’t speak to often and check in on them. Tell them that you care.
  • Call your parents or another family member or close friend. They’ll appreciate that you thought of them!
  • Buy some inexpensive valentines at a local store (or make some yourself!) and pass them out to friends, faculty, or staff members. 
  • Donate to a local organization that supports a cause you care about.

Together, let’s find different ways to share love on Valentine’s Day and make those around us feel special and cared for. 


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  • The Task Force is reviewing data gathered about faculty and staff mental health and well-being and will develop recommendations to be included in an additional report, following on the Phase One report regarding student needs.  
  • The university will name an implementation team tasked with putting recommendations into action. Watch for an update soon.
  • A Director has been recruited for the Center for Well-Being! Stay tuned for a profile and an update on the construction of the Center.
  • In addition to adding to their full-time staff, the SDCC also has part-time counselors to enhance student access to mental health services even during the busiest of times.

Recently, there have been some questions regarding the experience and training of the counselors at the SDCC.  All SDCC counselors are experienced therapists specializing in college mental health. In addition, the SDCC also employs well-trained and supervised clinical trainees who are currently working towards licensure. All members of the SDCC staff are passionate about providing the highest level of support to WPI students. 


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Get excited and prepared for what’s next!

Get ready to build connections both within WPI and far beyond with Academic Advising Day and the 2022 Virtual Spring Career Fair February 24, a day set aside for students to focus on their academic needs and career opportunities. Additional activities are also being planned for WeConnect Day.

Academic Advising Day: Set up time with your academic advisor (you can find their information in Workday) to get advice about majors, courses, and project selection in addition to broader educational mentoring and career counseling. Your academic advisor can help you find educational and social service resources on campus, learn good study habits, and deal with concerns with other students, teams and faculty, and they can help you with recommendation letters. They can also connect you to resources for personal concerns (roommates, partners, mental/emotional health) Watch for more information coming from your department or specific advisor but, in the meantime, set up time with your advisor to ensure you’re on the right track towards building a bright and rewarding future. 

WPI 2022 Virtual Spring Career Fair: Hosted on Handshake from 12-4 pm, the Career Fair is for students and alumni from all degrees and disciplines seeking a full-time job, internship, co-op, or part-time experience. Learn more and register here

WeConnect: A casual day of activities led by students with support from faculty and staff, is being planned now to help foster connections across our campus community. If you’d like to propose a simple activity, enter it on this spreadsheet


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Start the Conversation

Sometimes it's easier to open up with others who are going through the same experience as you. The SDCC offers many group therapy sessions on topics including sleep, OCD, being a student athlete, grief, LGBTQIA+, neurodiversity, and many more. If you don't want to commit to meeting regularly, you can try out a drop-in event. Learn more about each group and sign up here

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Community voices get real about mental health and well-being.


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Community Voices Spotlight

“When I am down, I lean on my loved ones for comfort and support. They ground me by reminding me of my own unique strengths, passions, and motivations. Everyone is wonderful and beautiful in their own way. Sometimes it takes the people you love to remind you of that beauty.” —Zoe Januszewski '22


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C-Term Wellness Challenge

Looking to find a fun way to step up your physical health and fitness while having the chance to win prizes? Join in on the Sports & Recreation Center’s Wellness Challenge, open to all students to encourage all sorts of healthy habits. Find a list of activities here and on Instagram (@wpireccenter). There will also be weekly challenges that will be posted at the gym and on social media, so keep an eye out for extra entry opportunities! Learn more and RSVP here

To access previous editions of the You’ve Been Herd MHWB newsletter, click here.


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Be Well Together   |   SDCC

National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

Student Health Services   |   I'm concerned about a student form


This email is intended to be for informational purposes only and not to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you or someone you know is in imminent danger of suicidal action or other threat, call WPI Campus police at 508-831-5555 (or call 911 if off-campus) or present for emergency care at a nearby hospital.