
Marketing Communications

A new font style will be deployed across on September 16 as part of our ongoing efforts to iterate, improve, and enhance the WPI digital experience. The rollout is comprehensive and will impact everything from text headers and on-page copy to navigation menus and the website footer.

These new, modern sans serif fonts will improve the user experience; keep our visitors engaged with our content, regardless of the device or screen size; add visual interest to the website; and infuse more of the WPI brand’s personality and approach, all while continuing to provide equal and universal access for visitors with disabilities. Extensive research and testing––including accessibility standards––factored into this decision.



No action is needed on behalf of Drupal editors and site administrators; however, if you notice any issues as a result of these changes, please email with a link to the page and a description of the issue. 

Over the coming months, we will be rolling out additional features to, including a video display on the main university homepage.