
WPI Today

Dear WPI Community,

Although it’s not even November, the first potential stormy weather of the season is headed to New England tonight. We would like to remind you of the university’s communication plan, should it become necessary to delay classes, cancel classes, or close the institution due to inclement weather.

By 4:00 AM on the day classes are impacted, a decision to close or delay the opening of the university will be made by the Executive Vice President, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Talent and Human Resources, and the Vice President for Student Affairs. Delayed openings will coincide with the start of a class period, e.g. 10 AM.

Communication at the time of the decision, and as conditions progress, will be handled as follows (and as circumstances allow):

1. An email will be sent to the WPI Community from the WPI Weather Announcement email alias.

2. The WPI homepage will be updated.  

3. The WPI closing/delay line will be activated (508-831-5744)

4. The official WPI Facebook page and Twitter account (@WPI) will provide updates. 

5. Radio and Television Stations will be notified.  

6. The WPI Alert system will not be used for non-emergency weather situations

In Addition:

When the university opens as usual in the morning, but it becomes necessary to close at a later point (whether during the day, or for evening classes or programs), a decision will be made by the Executive Vice President, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Talent and Human Resources, and the Vice President of Student Affairs as soon as conditions warrant.  

For daytime classes, any mid-day cancellation will coincide with the start of a class period, e.g. 11 AM.   For evening classes, a decision to close will be made by 3:00 PM.

Any impact on campus services—including food services, library hours, Sports & Rec hours, etc.—will be communicated accordingly.

Pay Procedures for Employees:

In the event of inclement weather, when there is no announced closing, the following pay procedures will be followed for all non-student, non-union employees reporting to work late, not at all, or leaving early:

If you report to work by 10:00 a.m. and you remain at work for the rest of your regularly scheduled workday, you will be paid for your normal workday.

If you report to work after 10:00 a.m. you will be paid only for the balance of hours worked for the remainder of your normal workday.

If you do not report to work, are unable to work, or need to leave early, you must notify your supervisor.  Lost time may be charged to vacation/personal time or it may be listed as time off without pay.

If you have any questions regarding this announcement or our inclement weather policy, please do not hesitate to call Talent and Inclusion at extension 5470 or by emailing


Best wishes, 

Kristan Coffey, Director, Talent and Human Resources

Art Heinricher, Dean of Undergraduate Studies

Jeff Solomon, Executive Vice President/CFO

Philip Clay, Vice President for Student Affairs