Five Reasons to Consider WPI

Landscape photo of WPI's campus

We know you’ve got your pick of colleges and universities, but just as important as academics, research work, and post-graduation opportunities is a place where you feel at home. We’re excited that you’re interested in WPI, which can offer all of the above—and all of the below. 

While the reasons to apply to WPI may be as infinite as our favorite irrational number, here are five of the best.

Preview Wind Harvesting at WPI
A STEM-Focused Future

Wherever your STEM interests and talents lie, you’ll find a place to hone them at WPI—and STEM is just the beginning. From hands-on project work in state-of-the-art labs, makerspaces, and facilities to renowned, expert faculty who are just an email or knock on the door away, WPI is a place where passions come to life. Simply put, if STEM (or business, or music, or entrepreneurship, or...well, you get the idea) is your thing, WPI’s your place.

Preview IQP In Iceland
Opportunities on a Global Scale

At WPI you’ll immerse yourself in new cultures and collaborate on real-world problems in ways that are meaningful to you and local communities. Travel off campus to one of our 50+ project centers located in our home city of Worcester, across the U.S., and around the world for an experience that’s not your typical study abroad.

Preview Cote Lab
Learn by Doing from Day One

Learning doesn’t stop once you leave the classroom; in fact, a cornerstone of a WPI education is what you learn outside of it. We’re all about project-based learning here, giving you the chance to use what you’ve learned and apply it to real problems through immersive project work. Take those skills, theories, and research and make them come to life as you create tangible change—to the world, and yourself.

Preview Bridge Crossing
Support Around Every Corner

Sure, WPI’s got the top-tier academics, the immersive project-based learning experiences, and the invaluable preparation for life after graduation, but you’ll hear it time and again: what really makes this place special is the people—warm, welcoming, and ready with all the support, inclusion, and encouragement you’ll need to not only succeed, but to thrive.

Preview Commencement 2024
A Lifetime of Returns

We know it’s one of the questions on everyone’s minds: once you’re at WPI, what’s it going to be like when you’re out? Your future’s yours to make, but whatever path you decide to follow, myriad financial aid options, hundreds of internship and co-op opportunities, and lifetime career resources ensure that you’ll have the skills, resources, and support you need to succeed. (Oh, and did we mention the average starting salary of $81,566 for the Class of 2023?)

Looking for even more reasons to apply? Like we said, there’s an infinite amount of them—fill out the form to request more information on WPI. We can’t wait to hear from you!