STEM Education Center

A great teacher can spark a love of STEM in future generations of students. Thus, the STEM Education Center is committed to working with current and future educators to guide relevant, integrated, and inclusive STEM learning experiences with their students and communities.
Informed by current education research and by the lived experiences of educators, learners, and community members, we collaborate with others to foster high-quality STEM learning experiences with a lens of equity and inclusion.
We believe that everyone has the capacity to do STEM and the values for our work are inspired by Indigenous ways of knowing and doing:
Respect: We respect the knowledge and experiences of the educators and schools/organizations we partner with by listening to their needs and goals when developing professional development, trainings, and programs.
Relationships: The impact of our work can be measured by the enduring collaborations we have with our partners to develop deeper and broader connections as we work within a STEM learning ecosystem.
Reciprocity: Authentic problem-identification and problem-solving in a local context allows for the co-construction of relevant and meaningful knowledge by educators, students, and community members.
Responsibility: We have the responsibility to create the conditions for students of all identities to joyfully learn and thus we support culturally and linguistically responsive instruction and practices.
Learn About Our Graduate Programs for Educators
Cultivating STEM education for a planet in which communities of learners and teachers share knowledge and practice skills to solve problems and care for one another in a thriving ecosystem
Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices
The STEM Education Center supports the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Educational Vision and goal to "support students to thrive by creating affirming environments where students feel seen, engage in deeper learning, and are held to high expectations with targeted support."
Black Lives Matter
The STEM Education Center continues its commitment to the BLM movement and equity in education. We continue to learn, have conversations, and work with co-conspirators to shift the narrative as to what “STEM” is, who has access, who leads, and how we educate. More than ever, now is the time to reimagine education and work towards a just and equitable world.
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