Minor in Biochemistry

Biochemistry students working in the lab

Merging chemistry and biology, WPI’s minor in Biochemistry will enable you to expand your knowledge of living organisms by exploring the chemical processes that give rise to and sustain life, from understanding how cells respond to medications to investigating more efficient means of photosynthesis.

Value Proposition Description

Biochemistry is a minor of choice for students majoring in other scientific disciplines who want to develop expertise in life processes as well as for students seeking to gain practical laboratory skills. The minor is also valuable for Business students who are interested in life sciences product development and marketing.

Our well-rounded minor provides significant breadth as well as depth in the study and applications of Biochemistry. You will select three courses in biochemistry, one in organic chemistry, and one in cellular or subcellular biology. As a capstone experience, you will take an upper-level course exploring advanced biochemistry topics such as membrane biophysics, protein purification, regulated gene expression, and genomics.

You may select courses with laboratory components—enabling you to work on bench research in our cutting-edge facilities—or design a classroom-based program in which you will apply your knowledge to solve real problems through hands-on projects.

Declaration Form: Once you are ready to declare your minor in Biochemistry, you must fill out a Minor Declaration form. You are responsible for finding a Chemistry or Biochemistry Minor Advisor from the Faculty listing from the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department to sign the form. Once the form is signed and completed, the form is to go to Registrar's office. 


Completion Form: Once you have either completed or are currently enrolled in the remaining classes for the minor, please go to

https://www.wpi.edu/academics/departments/chemistry-biochemistry/undergraduate under "Majors, Minors and Options, Oh My!" to find the completion form with directions to complete your minor in Biochemistry.

Completion Form: Once you have either completed or are currently enrolled in the remaining classes for the minor, please go to

https://www.wpi.edu/academics/departments/chemistry-biochemistry/undergraduate under "Majors, Minors and Options, Oh My!" to find the completion form with directions to complete your minor in Biochemistry.