SAS Traditions Day

Monday, April 17, 2023
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

The Student Alumni Society is hosting Traditions Day on April 17th! This event will include, 3 smaller events taking place over the course of the day. At the CC Tables from 12PM to 2PM the first event will take place, Pizza Wars! Come by to do a taste testing of four different local pizza shop's pizza to vote on which one you think is the best! Then after that, meeting at the fountain at 3PM until 4PM is the second event, Pennant Rush! Form into teams to compete against each other in this campus wide capture the flag like tradition! And finally the last tradition will be taking place from 6PM to 8:30PM meeting at the goat statute on the quad, Candle Walk! Come join other peers as we do this ceremonious tradition of traversing WPI at night by light of our candles! 

Location: Goat Statute on the Quad
