Writing (Professional)

The Professional Writing program is designed to complement the engineering, technical, and scientific strengths students receive from a WPI education, and increase career success through the qualitative, design, writing, and analytical skills taught.

Sample Companies that have Hired WPI Writing (Professional) Graduates

Cognex Corporation
Entitlement and Engineering Solutions
Haley & Aldrich
United States Marine Corps

Sample Graduate Schools

McMaster University
Average Starting Salary:
$65,506 (2020)
Learn more about Writing (Professional) at WPI.
Sample Job Titles:
Software Engineer
Process Engineer
Fire Protection Engineer
Systems Engineer
Sample Major Qualifying Projects:
Stylus for Fine-Motor Development
Identity Formation in Paramedic Education
Creating an Online Resource for Actuarial Students at WPI
Park Avenue Redesign
Designing, Building, and Writing a Manual for a 3D Printer
Neural Neural Network

Program Tracking Sheets

The Program Tracking Sheets help WPI students to plan and track progress toward their degree. Academic Advising has created tracking sheets for each major and graduation year.

Career Outcomes & Salary Data

The Career Development Center (CDC) has compiled a list of resources to help you learn about salary expectations and companies that have hired recent graduates, including the Post-Graduation Report for WPI's most recent graduating class.