Minor in English

Have you completed your Humanities & Arts requirement, but find yourself wanting to learn more about Shakespeare, sci-fi, or Moby Dick? If so, a minor in English might be the perfect solution. Whether you’d like to complete a minor for career purposes or to satisfy a personal interest, WPI’s English minor offers the opportunity to analyze the work of both classic and modern authors or develop your own talent for creative writing, while discovering how characters and plotlines on the page can often act as a mirror to the human condition.

To earn an English minor, you’ll complete two units of work divided into the following (see Undergraduate Catalog for more information and detailed course selection listings):
- Literature courses (5/3 units of courses)
- English capstone experience (1/3 unit)
The English capstone experience can take the form of a 3000-level course approved by you and your advisor, or an independent study project in English. The independent study option allows you to focus on a specific area of English—a certain genre, author, or region of origin—that’s of particular interest to you.
Application Process
Before you apply, we recommend that you discuss your interest with a member of the English faculty to ensure that you’ll be able to meet all requirements. Following this meeting, fill out the minor proposal form.
Any WPI student is eligible for the English minor, except for those majoring in Humanities & Arts with a concentration in Literature.
From the University Magazine