Minor in Global Public Health
Because health impacts every industry and community, a minor in Global Public Health at WPI will complement any major. Understanding how global health affects people in every part of the world prepares you for a career in engineering, government, business, education, communications, science, medicine, psychology, or health.
This interdisciplinary minor explores the complex relationship between the biological, social, political, environmental, and economic influences on the health of varied populations. Understanding these relationships leads to discoveries and interventions to protect and enhance the well-being of people worldwide.
Employers are looking for professionals knowledgeable about global public health for positions in these fields:
- Community health education
- Environmental health
- Federal emergency management
- Health policy and administration
- Health and informatics epidemiology
- Mental health professions

The curriculum for a minor in Global Public Health gives you the flexibility to choose courses based on your academic and career goals. You’ll choose three core and three elective courses to focus your minor.
Core courses required:
- Disease Detectives: An Introduction to Epidemiology
- Fundamentals of Global Health
- Senior seminar in Global Public Health
Electives include such diverse courses as Global Environmental Politics, Topics in International Politics, Development Economics, Psychology of Gender, Bioethics, and Immunology.
The minor also requires an educational experience in Global Public Health that is equal to one term in length. For instance, you can study the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases and factors affecting the health of populations. WPI’s Project Centers offer excellent opportunities for this experience. See the Course Catalog for complete course descriptions.
Application Process
If you’re interested in a minor in Global Public Health, you’ll need to designate a faculty member in the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies as an advisor and complete a Global Public Health minor application form. If you have any questions, visit the department in Salisbury Labs or email Angela at acrodriguez@wpi.edu.