Nuclear Science & Engineering Certificate

As new nuclear reactors are built worldwide and as many nuclear professionals are nearing retirement age, a growing demand for qualified nuclear engineers and scientists means this is a good time to advance your capabilities and earn a certificate in nuclear science and engineering.

Value Proposition Description

WPI’s certificate program in nuclear science and engineering includes training in disciplines like physics and mechanical engineering. Whether your bachelor’s is in engineering or science, you’ll find the certificate program prepares you for a nuclear industry career in specialties like industry, health care, research, and academia.

You'll build the skills needed to pursue your interests whether that's building new nuclear plants, keeping nuclear materials safe, and exploring nuclear power as a greener alternative to fossil fuels.



Courses cover such topics as nuclear power, radioactivity, chain reaction physics, nuclear reactor safety, power plant design and operation, and case studies of nuclear accidents.

The graduate certificate in nuclear science and engineering requires completion of four courses—ranging from Applied Nuclear Physics to Reactor Design and Operation—for 12 credits with an overall GPA of 3.0. You will find a full list of courses in the Course Catalog and you may check the current graduate course schedule for current offerings. 

The faculty in the certificate program hold a full-time position in a WPI academic department or are adjunct faculty approved by an academic department and NSE program review committee.

Students with a BS degree in an engineering and science discipline are eligible for admission to the program. See Graduate Admissions for admissions information.

Nuclear Science and Engineering Program Review Committee

The Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Science and Engineering is overseen by the program review committee of representatives from engineering and the sciences. The program review committee will review candidates for admission and approve the course electives as well as handle any extenuating circumstances or issues.


Graduate Studies Series

Team members from Graduate & Professional Studies host quick and convenient webinars designed to highlight popular topics when starting grad school. Take a deep dive into specific areas of interest such as how to secure funding, how to ace your application, an overview of student services, and more!

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Grant

In 2014, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission awarded WPI $1.1 million in grants to strengthen our nuclear science and engineering research and education and help fill the global need for qualified nuclear professionals. Some of the funds are allocated for revitalizing the field through scholarships, fellowships, and curriculum development and some funds are slated for research into medical therapies like improved radiation treatment for cancer patients.