PhD Global Research Experience Award


WPI Graduate Studies is excited to announce a new global research award opportunity for PhD students.

The goals of the PhD Global Research Experience are to provide students with the opportunity to engage with an international collaborator in a research project that is complementary to the PhD work at WPI. Students will develop their own global network and contacts by participating in this program. In addition, students can learn about culture-specific drivers of technology and innovation, as well as the policies that govern technological development in other countries. The research conducted is expected to become a part of the PhD student’s thesis and body of work. The research themes should be connected to the WPI strategic plan, and should relate to high impact work in contributing solutions to global challenges.

The research themes are described in more detail at:

Although it is not required, we encourage applicants to develop proposals that will support collaborative efforts with existing WPI Global Project Centers or promote the interaction between undergraduates and graduate students.

A very limited number of fellowships are available. This will be a highly competitive program.

For PhD students who want to apply:

  • You must be a full-time PhD student in good academic standing at WPI
  • You must identify a host institution and host advisor, in collaboration with your PhD advisor. You and the advisor should reach out together to the potential collaborator, and ensure that there is interest and enthusiasm, as well as logistical support, to carry out the project
  • Projects can be in any research area and any location outside of the US, except that international students may not use this grant to conduct research in their home country
  • You are responsible for finding your own housing and arranging all of your transportation details
  • You are responsible for making sure you have health insurance that covers you during the time and location of travel
  • You are responsible for determining if you need a visa
  • If selected, you will receive $5,000 in stipend and up to $5,000 towards lodging and transportation
  • Duration of the travel can be a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks
  • The travel period is between May and August, 2019.
  • All funds must be spent by 8/31/2019, or will be forfeited
  • You agree to participate in pre-travel orientation and training, and to present on the results of your experience to the WPI community at the conclusion of the travel
  • Selected students will be asked to fill out the Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division’s (IGSD) forms related to the Individually Sponsored Residential Project (information will be provided to you) and must adhere to all IGSD policies related to student project travel

The application is available online at

Deadline is February 1, 2019.  Decisions will be made and applicants notified by March 1st. 

Terri A. Camesano 

Dean of Graduate Studies