

Congrats to Aaron Weeks ‘18 for being awarded WPI GOLD’s "10 Under 10" award in the category of Philanthropic Endeavors.

Aaron coaches the track and field team at Pittsfield High School, his alma mater. He has worked with local officials to help improve the equipment and facilities at the school. Aaron also coordinates fundraising efforts, created an alumni network, and tries to help students navigate their way from high school to collegiate level sports. Congratulations on your achievements! 

We caught up with Aaron to learn more.

Why is giving back time to WPI and others important?

Giving back is so important because it is amazing to see the difference you can make for a cause or for another person.

What advice would you give to current students and young alumni?

Find something outside of work that you are truly passionate about and volunteer for that group, organization, etc. The joy that helping others brings is greater than any amount of money could provide.


See other winners of the GOLD "10 Under 10" Awards here