
Annual Giving

Thanks to nearly 150 alumni, parents, friends, students, faculty, and staff, WPI’s April Day of Giving raised more than $57,000 on April 19—blowing past an initial $25,000 goal and a stretch goal of $50,000. This was the first campaign of this kind, with a laser focus on WPI’s Areas of Greatest Need. It included a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $10,000 from President Wang for all gifts to WPI’s Areas of Greatest Need (achieved!). Zhongje Wu ’12 offered an additional $10,000 match for any gifts (achieved!), and Mike Abrams ’77 contributed $4,000 in challenge funds to inspire new monthly gift donors (achieved!). If you supported the April Day of Giving or have given to WPI at any time this year—thank you! If you haven’t made a gift yet, there’s still time to make an impact this fiscal year. And it’s even easier to support your WPI community with PayPal, Venmo, GooglePay, and ApplePay. Visit