

WPI counts so many alumni, parents, faculty/staff, and friends among our caring community who works so hard to provide the best experience for our students. Many of our WPI donors choose to support the WPI student experience directly--the athletics teams, club sports, student organizations, Greek Life, and music and theater arts that are a source of fun, friendship, and rejuvenation for our students. 

Below are just some of the student stories of the impact this community has made possible this year. 



Participating in cheer has given me a home at WPI. I feel like the bonds created during cheer are unique and have really given me a place where I can grow and feel like I belong.

This is the first year that our team is going to NCA Nationals! I hope that in April we do well at Nationals and are proud of the routine we compete with.

Gaby Mazzoni ‘22

Parents, alumni, and friends that help support the organization are everything to us! As we are a club sport, we have to pay for everything, and we wouldn’t be able to be a competitive team without their support!

Izzy Troop ‘22


Every week, I look forward to working and learning alongside my peers to accomplish something meaningful for the team. I strongly believe that HPRC has improved my overall WPI experience as it has provided me countless opportunities to grow both academically and personally.


It’s amazing to watch the evolution of the rocket and payload system. From collaborating on designs and testing prototypes to hosting educational workshops, the dedication of HPRC members is always prominent. I am proud to be a part of such welcoming team that fosters educational enrichment through peer-learning. In the future, I am eager to see the results of our efforts with the successful launch of our rocket and payload system.

The incredible generosity of alumni, parents, and friends who choose to support HPRC shows that they believe in our team’s mission and understand that the impact of HPRC extends beyond the bounds of WPI.

Julia Sheats ‘23



My favorite experience this year was a competition at Grindstone Farm. This event was special because it was the first time Maplewood had the opportunity to bring one of our horses to a show. I ended the day as high-point rider of the day! Participating in this sport has taught me how to be a leader, and I've been able to find a community that shares the love I have for horses.

I am most proud of my team for making it through our first semester, and even ranking fourth as a team at one of our shows! I'm hopeful that the team will continue to grow and that we will be able to introduce more of the WPI community to the sport.

The support of alumni, parents, and friends is what helped our team hit the ground running. Starting a new club sport took time and effort from all of our new members, and we wouldn't have been able to do it without our huge support system!

Lilly Kinne ‘23



I am most proud of my team’s ability to overcome the challenges of COVID. As our communities required more strict regulations, finding the things that make you happy and allow you to grow can feel impossible. The WPI Wrestling team has always reinforced the value of seeking enjoyment and gratitude in learning and competing. This has provided an exceptional platform to progress as a student-athlete despite the hurdles of COVID-19. 

It is unbelievable how the supporters of our team help nourish the culture that we have. Parents and friends make match day fun and exciting and are always helping keep spirits high. Alumni are so important to our team because they allow us to stay competitive, seek new opportunities and connect the value of wrestling to our future careers. Thank you to all of our supporters for everything you do for WPI wrestling!

Eddie Hay ’22



My favorite experience this year has got to be any of the concerts we've done. I really can't overstate how incredible it is to be able to perform beautiful music in person again in a variety of awesome spaces. I have been almost moved to tears several times this year during concerts, which really goes to show you how passionate everyone in this club is about music and the emotion they are able to convey through singing. I'm very proud of this club for being able to transition so cleanly back to in person, despite having one of the hardest tasks in doing so on paper, it was very seamless and allowed for singing to take the center stage rather than logistics. The support we garner is very important to me. Having support is what keeps this club going forward and allows us to sing. For that, I am incredibly grateful for everyone who directly supports Glee Club.

John Gabelmann ‘23



My favorite experience with our team so far this year was our fall play-day at St. Anselm’s. Not only was it our first time competing with a new team and a new coaching staff, but it also showcased all of the hard work we had put in throughout the fall. We went into the day to get better and have fun, and that’s exactly what we did. After a canceled season and a modified season the past two years, being able to be back together playing as a team with our friends and families there to watch meant so much to us all.

Lindsay Ambrosino ’22


My favorite experience with our team this year was the fall play day double-header. It was the first time we were able to get together as one group and have an experience of being able to play against another team. 


I am most proud of our team being able to get through the COVID season last year and making the most of what we were given. We were still able to play 14 games and have a lot of fun while doing it. 

This season I am most looking forward to playing with a great group of guys and making a run for the NEWMAC championship. Our team has a lot of guys returning and a lot of promising new guys, so it will be fun to see what we are able to put together. 

It’s awesome to have such a supportive and caring group of people supporting our organization. We wouldn’t be in the place we are today without each and every one of them.

Jeffrey Brennan '23


We cannot wait to attack the 2022 season. While our team was young and tough in 2021, it was more importantly the building blocks for future success. 


It is a tremendous feeling to know that the financial support of our alumni and friends is strong and enduring each and every year.

Phil Durgin '22


The pep band was the first club that greeted me when I came to WPI three years ago, and it has brought me some of the best experiences and friends I’ve ever had.

We had a very challenging show this year (Star Wars), but it was no issue for our members. They stepped up and committed, and the result was one of the best shows we have ever done. Going into my first year as Head Drum Major, I cannot wait to see the band’s passion on full display once again through the rest of our basketball season and into our marching season in the fall. I have full confidence that we will be able to produce a fantastic show next season as well with hopefully an even bigger band!


To us, donor support means that they value the arts at a STEM school and they want to see us express ourselves. We are so appreciative of all those who choose to empower us to showcase our musical and physical talents through marching. Furthermore, we love being able to provide the best equipment we can to produce the best show, and support from anyone helps us obtain everything we need. Support means that we can give our members the best possible experience in their time at WPI.

Adam Bartlett '23

Being in Pep Band makes me feel at home in the WPI community. I have made a huge network of friends who give me (class of 2025) great advice or just a friendly smile or wave on the way to class.

Nicole Calandra '25