Congratulations to WPI Mechanical Engineering Professor Yan Wang for his two NSF awards.

PFI: AIR-TT: Scale-up dry-powder based additive manufactured electrodes to lower the cost of Li-ion batteries. This PFI:

AIR Technology Translation project focuses on translating additive manufacturing technology to fill the need for fabricating Li-ion batteries. The additive manufactured Li-ion batteries are important because they are the key to developing low cost hybrid and electric vehicles, large scale energy storage and renewable energy sources. The project will result in a scale-up of additive manufactured Li-ion batteries. This technology has the following unique features: fast production rate, and dry process. these features provide the following advantages of high energy density and low cost when compared to the state-of-art Li-ion batteries in this market space.

Structure, Composition and Ionic Conduction in Amorphous Lithium Solid Electrolyte:

A suitable solid electrolyte has become the bottleneck for developing high-performance solid-state lithium ion batteries. The knowledge gained from this project can give direct guidance to search for and design solid electrolyte materials for lithium ion batteries. Such advancements are crucial for solid-state lithium ion batteries requiring high power and energy density, and further enable the use of a ceramic electrolyte in other applications. The timely design and insertion of high performance battery materials are critical to the global competitiveness of US manufacturing as well as minimization of the negative impact to the environment. The project is also expected to have widespread impact on several scientific and technological communities including electrochemistry , material science, energy storage, materials processing and synthesis, and solid-state devices.

Please join us in congratulating Professor Wang for these awards!