Graduate Student Social 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Floor/Room #

The Center for Well-Being and Graduate Studies invites all Graduate students to a social gathering following the Lion Dance performance by the Southeast Asian Coalition. Support your wellness by enjoying some refreshments and socializing with other graduate students. Graduate Students ONLY. RSVP or join us on March 28th -- Drop-ins are welcome! Refreshments will be served.  

 Southeast Asian Lion Dance:4:00pm-5:00pm- The Quad (Open to entire community) 
Social: 5:00pm-6:00pm - CWB Lounge, Daniels Hall 102 (Graduate Students only) 

Location: The Quad and Center for Well-Being

This event is part of:
Registration Deadline


Center for Well-Being