Sonia Kovalevsky Day
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Sonia Kovalevsky Day
Saturday, April 6, 2024
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Registration is Closed - We are no longer accepting new registrations for this year's SK Day
Event Location: Salisbury Labs, WPI's campus
SK Day 2024 will provide an interactive experience for participants to engage in math activities led by current WPI students and faculty, lunch, and presentations by women leaders in STEM, including opening remarks by WPI’s President Grace Wang and a keynote talk by mathematician Dr. Cristina Ballantine (College of the Holy Cross).
Named in honor of Sonia Kovalevsky, the first woman to obtain her doctorate in mathematics, SK Days are nationally-held, locally-organized outreach events with the aim of supporting and encouraging young women to continue their study of mathematics.
SK Day 2024 is supported by a grant from the Women’s Impact Network to Prof. Andrea Arnold and by the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Please contact with any questions.