Great Problems

Great Problems Project Presentation Day
May 05, 2015

President Leshin chats with Jaime Stephen

and Barrett Wolfson about their winning project.

Not pictured are Taylor Stephen and Joseph Berger.

On April 23, Project Presentation Day, student teams in the Great Problems Seminar presented their recommendations to an array of energy problems faced by communities across the globe. They explored the technical, social, economic, and environmental effects and challenges of power generation in this two-term class, and presented the positive and negative consequences of their proposed solutions.

People’s Choice winners James Macfarlane,

Katie Nugai, Rekik Tafesse, and Nelson Ndahiro

Judges’ WinnerAlgae Biofuel Enhancement Project – Taylor Stephen, Jaime Stephen, Joseph Berger, Barrett Wolfson.

People’s Choice Award WinnerImplementing Solar Energy in Desalination Plants in Libya: James Macfarlane, Nelson Ndahiro, Katie Nugai, Rekik Tafesse.