Experts on Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation of an environment that can replicate the real world or create entirely fictional spaces. It utilizes computer graphics, 3D modeling, and human-computer interaction. VR systems typically involve specialized hardware, such as headsets and motion sensors, to track the user's movements and provide a fully immersive experience. VR has applications in fields like digital health and medicine (surgical training, therapy), engineering (design and prototyping), and gaming (immersive gameplay). WPI experts on virtual reality can speak about the technology and the challenges of developing realistic graphics, minimizing latency, and designing effective user interfaces.

Robert Dempski
Robert E. Dempski
  • Professor Chemistry & Biochemistry
Professor Dempski's lab focuses on biomedically relevant proteins at the cell's surface. Dysfunction of these proteins results in diseases such as pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer's. ... View Profile
Headshot of Lane Harrison
Lane T. Harrison
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Professor Harrison's research quantifies and models how people interpret, use, and create data visualizations. ... View Profile
Dmitry Korkin
  • Professor Computer Science
Professor Korkin's research is interdisciplinary and spans the fields of bioinformatics of complex disease, computational genomics, systems biology. ... View Profile
Erin R Ottmar
  • Associate Professor Social Science & Policy Studies
Professor Ottmar aims to develop and evaluate classroom interventions that improve mathematics teaching and learning. Her research focuses on the intersections of educational, cognitive, and developmental psychology. ... View Profile
Charles Davis Roberts
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Professor Roberts examines human-centered computing in digital arts practice. ... View Profile
Gillian Smith
  • Associate Professor Computer Science
Professor Smith is an award-winning game designer. ... View Profile