Resources for Students

MassSupport is the free and confidential crisis counseling program available to all MA residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with providing individual support through our helpline at 888-215-4920, MassSupport holds free virtual coping groups and presentations on stress and coping for organizations, schools and communities around how to support ourselves and each other during the pandemic. To find out more about what they cann provide go to:

The ADHD hub is a great resource hosted by and for the global ADHD community. It’s an affirming spot where people with ADHD can get support, company, and validation. They also offer some very creative solutions, such as free co-working Zoom meetings, bookable at various times throughout each day. allows students to type in their specific school and it will generate the mental health resources that are specific to that university. It’ll bring up the phone number to the university’s counseling services and crisis hotline. It’ll bring up the hours of operation and address of the university’s counseling services, and it’ll tell the user exactly what number to press or what to say to be connected to someone who can help them. The website also has full webpages dedicated to sharing facts about a lot of the common things college students may struggle with like anxiety, depression, alcohol and drugs, self-harm, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, stress, etc. It also provides information on wellness. It provides information on healthy sleep patterns, stress management, exercise, nutrition, and connectedness and healthy relationships. It also provides links to more websites that go into greater detail about living a healthy lifestyle.  

Black Girls Smile hosts a directory of help/crisis hotlines, resources for finding a mental health professional, and more:

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective provides access to the Black Virtual Therapist Network:

Clark University's Counseling Center has also developed a wonderful "Mental Health Toolbox" with a library of resources to help empower people. Please click the link and check it out for more tools to support your (or your loved one's) mental health!