Office Location

85 Prescott St. Room 220
Jayam Patel
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MS in Robotics, May 2016
Gujarat Technological University, BEng. in Electronics and Communication, May 2012

Jayam is a graduate student in Robotics Engineering and working on Human-Swarm Interaction in NEST Lab. He completed his MS in Robotics in May 2016 and BEng. in Electronics and Communication in May 2012. His previous research interests and experiences have been in Assistive Robotics, Internet of Things and Home Automation. His passion is to teach and wants to remain in academia for his life. Along with academia, he loves gaming and listening to music. He is well connected to his spiritual side and practices Reiki and Tarot Card Reading.

Jayam Patel

Jayam is a graduate student in Robotics Engineering and working on Human-Swarm Interaction in NEST Lab. He completed his MS in Robotics in May 2016 and BEng. in Electronics and Communication in May 2012. His previous research interests and experiences have been in Assistive Robotics, Internet of Things and Home Automation. His passion is to teach and wants to remain in academia for his life. Along with academia, he loves gaming and listening to music. He is well connected to his spiritual side and practices Reiki and Tarot Card Reading.

Office Location

85 Prescott St. Room 220