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Research Lab
I am focused on a collaboration between our Nuclear Science and Engineering Program and Westinghouse LLC to design a next generation University Research Reactor (URR) that can also provide a zero-emission source of energy to the campus. Funded by NRC, we are using a computation model to study the radiation fields produced by the eVinci 5MWe microreactor during operations. Using these models, we can design facilities and apparatus that are useful in a research and shielding that meets regulatory requirements. Of primary interest are thermal neutron columns for imaging and enhanced flux ex-core facilities for activation experiments.

I am focused on a collaboration between our Nuclear Science and Engineering Program and Westinghouse LLC to design a next generation University Research Reactor (URR) that can also provide a zero-emission source of energy to the campus. Funded by NRC, we are using a computation model to study the radiation fields produced by the eVinci 5MWe microreactor during operations. Using these models, we can design facilities and apparatus that are useful in a research and shielding that meets regulatory requirements. Of primary interest are thermal neutron columns for imaging and enhanced flux ex-core facilities for activation experiments.