Alcohol & Drug Education

 Alcohol & Drug Education at WPI provides education, assessment, and intervention to create a safe and healthy campus by aiming to equip students with knowledge, resources, and support in navigating potential challenges while using substances. Alcohol and drug education is a collaborative effort that partners with many different departments across campus including the Student Development & Counseling Center, The Center for Well-Being, Student Health Services, Student Activities Office, and many others. Email with questions about alcohol & drug education at WPI.

AlcoholEdu for College

WPI partners with Vector Solutions to provide online education to all WPI students. There are multiple modules that students are asked to complete, one of which is focused on Alcohol and Other Drug Education. This module is a reality-driven online course designed to educate students on the risks of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and to teach successful strategies for handling dangerous situations related to these substances. The course features four modules: Your GPA, Your Brain, Your Peers and Your Life. Each section provides extensive, research-backed evidence of the detrimental effects alcohol and other drugs can have, and how social skills and interactions can help reduce harm associated with these substances. (Featuring Not Anymore content)

First-year students are expected to complete the program before arriving at WPI. WPI also partners with Vector Solutions to provide refresher trainings throughout the course of their time here at WPI.

SMART (Students Mentoring Active Responsibility Together)

SMART is a peer-led organization on campus that focuses on engaging students to be prosocial bystanders through education programming about alcohol use. Students who are part of this group form strong connections across campus including Greek life, Athletics, and SGA.  This student group is co-advised  by the Student Activities Office and the SDCC.

Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS)

Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) is an evidence- based intervention that helps students examine their own alcohol use. Students may be referred to the Student Development and Counseling Center (SDCC) for a two-part BASICS as a result of an alcohol-related violation, or choose to participate on their own, to learn harm reduction strategies for their drinking. The program is designed to be empathetic and non-confrontational, encouraging students to reflect honestly on their alcohol use—and explore the possibility of change.

Substance Abuse Counseling

Students interested in exploring their use of alcohol or other drugs can meet with a counselor at the SDCC. They may seek treatment because they’re contemplating change or because they’ve experienced negative consequences from use. Counseling involves having an honest conversation about use, identifying goals, and developing skills that will lead to a healthy lifestyle. If a student is seeking a higher level of care in regards to their substance use such as detox, the SDCC can work to refer them to a local organization that will better suit their needs. 


Concerned about a friend’s use of alcohol or other drugs? Counselors are available to discuss how others’ use affects you, and how you can support a friend. Call 508-831-5540 to schedule an appointment with a counselor.