Benjamin Dringoli ’17

Benjamin Dringoli -- a physics major and double minor in mathematics and nanoscience -- believes progress is made when scientists come together as a community committed to using their powerful knowledge to help solve the world’s challenging problems.

Benjamin's study of physics lets him explore the smallest particles to understand the limitless potential in the world.

Why did you pick the branch of science you are in?

Physics seemed like the best way to learn as much as I could about how the world works, and had the broadest impact. I've worked with many other types of scientists and it's nice to know what I study/work with is applicable to many problems today.

What are the biggest misperceptions people have about scientists?

The biggest misconception I've seen/heard is that scientists are elitist or stuck in their ways about the way things are. In my experience, other scientists or scientifically minded people seem to be the most invested in helping other people learn and changing the way we think about learning or advancement in any way, and I really enjoy that. Knowing there are others committed to growing collective knowledge is a really good feeling as that very much aligns with my personal goals and how I believe progress is made.

What’s something you do that reminds you that you are an #ActualLivingScientist?

Seeing the research I do being applied to solve engineering problems is the most direct effect, but also reading recent advancements/publications reminds me that I'm part of a community that is committed to furthering the extent of our understanding and trying to solve important problems that directly affect all of us.

I am a scientist and I...

... want to see the world become a better place through understanding, technological advancement, and collaboration.

How do you hope your scientific contributions will impact the world?

I hope that my work will allow new material properties to be discovered, leading to advances in engineering that put more powerful tools in more people's hands, giving them the opportunity to do even more than is currently possible.

How has WPI prepared you to become an #ActualLivingScientist?

WPI gave me not only the opportunity to learn the material pertaining to my field, but also gave me hands-on experience to show me what kind of work can be done and how it directly affects technological advancement. It made me excited to further my understanding so I can tackle bigger problems and create new science so we can collectively unlock new opportunities.