Cadre & Staff

Phone: +1 (508) 8313016
Lieutenant Colonel Adam J. Messer is Commander of AFROTC Detachment 340, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts. His team’s mission is to develop quality leaders by preparing students to become officers in the US Air Force and US Space Force while earning a college degree. Lieutenant Colonel Messer was commissioned upon graduating from the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in operations research and a minor in philosophy. He attained a master’s degree and a doctor of philosophy in operations research from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2011 ...
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Captain Matthew B. Anderson is currently serving as an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies and Operations Flight Commander at Detachment 340 and at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in Massachusetts. His responsibilities include overseeing the training of cadets to become officers in the United States Air Force. Previously, he was the Test Integrated Product Team Lead for the Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminal Program. He oversaw all aspects of specialty systems engineering, design, and test of survivable nuclear command and ...
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Phone: +1 (508) 8313017
Capt. Ashley Olson is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies at Detachment 340 Worcester, MA. In this position she is responsible for recruiting, training and commissioning cadets at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and eight cross town colleges. Capt. Olson graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in June 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in systems engineering and has served seven years in the active-duty Air Force. In May 2017, Capt Olson graduated from Air Force Intelligence Officer Training and in 2021 she earned a Masters Degree in Intelligence Studies. Prior to ...
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