Research & Publications

Research Areas

  • Artificial intelligence (Gelosh)
  • Business applications of logistic regression (Monat)
  • Emergent properties of corporations and society (Monat)
  • Machine learning (Gelosh)
  • Model Based Systems Engineering (Gelosh, Gannon, Virani)
  • Modeling System Policy (Virani)
  • Multi-criteria decision analysis (Monat)
  • Operations risk analysis (Monat)
  • Project risk management (Monat)
  • Self-organization of complex systems (Monat)
  • Software Metrics, Engineering, and Quality Factors (Virani)
  • System Architecture (Gannon, Swarz)
  • System Dependability (Gannon, Swarz)
  • System optimization (Monat)
  • Systems engineering and technical leadership (Gelosh)
  • Systems engineering competencies and competency frameworks (Gelosh)
  • Systems of Systems (Gannon, Swarz)
  • The integration of art, science and psychology (Doremus)

See the Systems Engineering Faculty Profiles


Gannon, Tom, "Framework for the Analysis of the Adaptability, Extensibility, and Scalability of Semantic Information Integration and the Context Mediation Approach," Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island, HI, January, 2009.

Gelosh, D., “A University Director’s Perspective on the INCOSE Certification Program.” INCOSE Insight, vol.16, no. 1, pp. 17-19. Apr, 2013.

Gelosh, D., “An Approach to Integrate Security into a Systems Engineering Curriculum.” INCOSE Insight, vol.16, no. 2, pp. 49-52. Jul, 2013.

Gelosh, D., “Panel: What Defines a Systems Engineer? Comparing and Contrasting Global Perspectives on Systems Engineering Competency.” INCOSE Insight, vol.12, no. 3, pg. 34. Oct, 2009.

Gelosh, D., M. Heisey, J. Snoderly and K. Nidiffer, “The Path to Version 0.75 of the Proposed INCOSE Systems Engineering Competency Framework”, Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Symposium, INCOSE 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 18-21, 2016.

Gelosh, D., M. Heisey, J. Snoderly, K. Nidiffer, “Version 0.5 of the Proposed INCOSE Systems Engineering Competency Framework”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Symposium, INCOSE 2015, Seattle, Washington, July 13-16, 2015.

Looft, F.J., and Gannon, T.F., “Using SE in Engineering Electives and Capstone Design Projects,” INCOSE Academic Forum, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia, May 2, 2016.

Monat, J. P., “The Beer Game: Using Highly Interactive Technology to Teach Systems Thinking,” presented at the 23rd Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, June 25, 2013

Monat, J. P., “The Emergence of Humanity’s Self-Awareness,” Futures Journal, 2016,, in press

Monat, J. P., and Gannon, T. F., Using Systems Thinking to Solve Real-World Problems, College Publications, 2017

Monat, J. P., and Gannon, T.F., “What Is Systems Thinking? A Review of Selected Literature Plus Recommendations,” Am. J. of Systems Science4:2, 2015

Monat, J. P., and Gannon, T.F., Using Systems Thinking to Analyze ISIS, American Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 4 No. 2, 2015, pp. 36-49. doi: 10.5923/j.ajss.20150402.02.

Swarz, R. S., "Introduction to Software Reliability Engineering," Proceedings: Electro92

Swarz, R. S., "Opportunities for Fault-Tolerant VLSI in Commercial Computer Systems," Workshop on Fault-Tolerant VLSI Design

Swarz, R. S., “Assessing the Performance of Network Centric Systems," Proceedings: 20th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications

Swarz, R. S., “Techniques for the Reduction of Downtime in Practical Commercial Minicomputer Systems," IFIP Workshop on Dependable Computing

Swarz, R. S., ed., Systems Engineering Guide: Lifecycle Building Blocks, The MITRE Corporation

Swarz, R. S., The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System: A Systems Engineering Case Study, 7th International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management

Virani,S., and Rust, T., “Using Model Based Systems Engineering in Policy Development: A Thought Paper,” 14th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research Huntsville, AL March 22-24, 2016