Founders Society

Recognizing those who have given $100,000 to $499,999


In early May of 1865 the Massachusetts Legislature approved a charter granting the Worcester County Free Institute of Industrial Science the status of a legal corporation. The governor affixed his signature to the bill and, on May 10, the charter itself became official with the signature of the secretary of the Commonwealth. And so it was, without fanfare and little ceremony, that a new era in higher education began, thanks to the vision of philanthropists like John Boynton, Ichabod Washburn and Stephen Salisbury. Over nearly 150 years, they have been joined by countless men and women of similar vision.

Members of the Founders Society are committed to the mission and progress of WPI. Their desire to share in the continuing development of the university inspires them to a level of support that equals or exceeds the $100,000 founding gift of John Boynton.


  • Society-specific lapel pin

  • Special recognition gift

  • Special access to theater and music performances, private tours, lectures, seminars, competitions, and exhibits

  • 10% off your purchases at the WPI campus bookstore