1st Place Winners of 2023 AIAA Region I Conference "Teams Category"
Aerospace Engineering
The WPI team (pictured from left to right with the AIAA Rep) with Michael Beskid, Robert Devlin, Calista Carrignan, Toshak Patel, Ryan Brunelle, and Kofi Sarfo.
The WPI team (pictured below from left to right with the AIAA Rep) Michael Beskid, Robert Devlin, Calista Carrignan, Toshak Patel, Ryan Brunelle, and Kofi Sarfo, advised by Professor Demetriou won 1st Prize in the Team competition for “The Design and Testing of an Amphibious AUV” called the PoseiDrone! at the 2023 AIAA Region I Conference held at the University of Buffalo from 3/31/2023 to 4/1/2023. Students from Brown, Clarkson, Cornell, Penn State, University of Maryland, US Military Academy, Virginia Tech, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and WPI competed in undergraduate, team and MS categories. The WPI team has also been invited to participate along with winners from all the other AIAA regional competitions in the AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, one of our major AIAA technical conferences.