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PhD Global Research Experience Award

WPI Graduate Studies is again offering a global research award opportunity for PhD students.

The goals of the PhD Global Research Experience are to provide students with the opportunity to engage with an international collaborator in a research project that is complementary to the PhD work at WPI. Students will develop their own global network and contacts by participating in this program. In addition, students can learn about culture-specific drivers of technology and innovation, as well as the policies that govern technological development in other countries. The research conducted is expected to become a part of the PhD student’s thesis and body of work. In the past three years, our students have traveled to research laboratories in the UK, Switzerland, Japan, and several other countries. Many of the research projects have led to joint publications between WPI students and their international collaborators.

A very limited number of fellowships are available. This will be a highly competitive program.

For PhD students who want to apply:

  • Must be a full-time PhD student in good academic standing at WPI
  • Student must identify a host institution and host advisor, in collaboration with your PhD advisor.
  • Projects can be in any research area and any location outside of the US, except that international students may not use this grant to conduct research in their home country
  • Student is responsible for arranging housing, transportation, and health insurance
  • Student must determine if a visa is necessary for travel
  • Awardees will receive $5,000 in stipend (which may be taxable)  and up to $5,000 towards lodging and transportation
  • Duration of the travel can be a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks
  • The travel period is between May and August, 2020.
  • All funds must be spent by 8/31/2020, or will be forfeited
  • Awardee agrees to participate in pre-travel orientation and training, and to make a presentation on their research after returning to WPI

The application is available online at

2020 PhD Global Scholar Application

Deadline is February 3, 2020.  Decisions will be made and applicants notified by early March. 

Terri A. Camesano 

Dean of Graduate Studies