
The Business School

In case you missed it...

The FBS @ WPI April Newsletter was sent out last week to engage with alumni and friends. You can view the entire issue online here. Reach out to to subscribe.


From the Dean’s Desk 

“We are here! We are here! We are here!!!” So was the cry of the Whos down in Whoville whose voices were unheard by everyone except Horton, the large-eared elephant of Dr. Seuss fame who hears a Who. A champion of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it was Horton who advocated for the Whos, insisting that “A person’s a person no matter how small.”

Maybe it’s a stretch, but I see the parallels between the Whos in Whoville and the Foisie Business School at WPI. We are the ones exclaiming, “We are here!” And because we are here, we want you to know of the wonderful work of the Foisie Business School. Each month, we will share “news you can use,” telling you about the latest happenings, making real the work of the faculty and how it connects with our lives, and promoting our programs so that you can be in the know. 

Hello! I’m Rev. Debora Jackson and I am Dean of the Foisie Business School. These first four months as Dean have flown by, but it has been a joyous ride. Why? … because the Foisie Business School boasts amazing faculty, transformative programs, and incredible students. Perhaps you did not know it, but WPI means Business! By sharing our stories, we hope that you might learn more about us and want to partake. Shamelessly borrowing from the psalmist, I encourage you to “taste and see” that the Foisie Business School is good. After all, we are here!



Read the rest of the newsletter.