
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

Available for ECE, CS, and DS students!

This brand new graduate course, available online, emphasizes a hands-on approach, allowing students to enhance their skills through practical experience. Dive into simulations using datasets from specific security applications, honing your ability to apply Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques in real-world scenarios. Uncover the potential applications of these technologies in Cybersecurity, preparing yourself for the challenges of safeguarding digital systems in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Course Description:
Machine Learning has proven immensely effective in a diverse set of applications. This trend has reached a new high with the application of Deep Learning virtually in any application domain. This course studies the applications of Machine Learning in the sub domain of Cybersecurity by introducing a plethora of case studies including anomaly detection in networks and computing, side-channel analysis, user authentication and biometrics etc. These case studies are discussed in detail in class, and further examples of potential applications of Machine Learning techniques including Deep Learning are outlined. The course has a strong hands-on component, i.e. students are given datasets of specific security applications and are required to perform simulations.

Register now for Spring 2024!