Active Minds: Campus Guidance on Antisemitism and Islamophobia
Collegiate Religious Center
Candle lighting outside of Alden
On Wednesday November 15, 2023, The Collegiate Religious Center in partnership with the student organization(s) Hillel, Muslim Student Association, and College Democrats co-hosted an Interreligious Dialogue associated with the Conflict on Israel and Palestine. Participants in the program viewed a Flash-Talk/Teach-in Showing of Professor Catilin Carenen’s (Eastern Connecticut State University) Talk: A Brief Introduction to the Arab-Israeli Conflict. After the viewing, a student panel of current WPI students spoke about their experiences around and associated to the conflict. This was the second in a series of Interreligious Dialogue(s) inviting students into a dialogue of life where participants strive to live in a neighborly spirit, sharing the intersections of various social locations, and their associated problems and preoccupations. In this dialogue of action, students are invited to participate in action(s) in which members of different faiths collaborate to achieve various social goods. (Learn More: Vatican’s 1991 document Dialogue and Proclamation).
As a follow-up to this program, Active Minds and student representative(s): Lily Macdonald, Noah Martins, and Abigail Ceiniawa partnered with the Center for Well-Being and the Student Development Counseling Center to provide additional on-campus resources to support campus community wellness and engagement.
See below for a collection of resources and support in a climate of Antisemitism and Islamophobia:
Center for Well-Being Resources (CWB):
- ProjectConnect
- Well-being Coaching offered by CWB Staff
- Peer-to-Peer Coaching
- Peer-Wellbeing Ambassador Academic Coaching
- Rest and Reflection Spaces in the CWB
Student Development Counseling Center (SDCC):
- Mental Health School Supplies: College Toolkit
- Religious Bullying: How to Get Help and Cope | The Jed Foundation
- Faith & Spirituality Group Session: Monday 12/11 @ 4pm: Collegiate Religious Center
For additional information, SDCC Instagram
On campus Dialogue and programming associated to the conflict is ongoing. For questions and more information, please contact Kalvin Cummings at
For more information about Active Minds and organization initiatives, see Instagram: @activemindswpi or email