
Marketing Communications

Marketing Technology is always looking for new ways to improve the user experience on the WPI website.  To this extent, we have created a new widget for our related news stories.  Links to these stories formerly appeared in the right sidebar of our press releases, news articles, Daily Herd stories and the WPI Journal articles.  Through analytics we realized that these article links weren’t garnering the number of clicks we thought they deserved.  After further research based on competitor’s websites, we decided to move these links to the bottom of the page and made them more visually appealing to entice our website visitors to click and read more.

Widget displaying 3 photos and links for related news

As always, we are trying to build awareness of the amazing things going on here at WPI–from faculty research to student projects and more.  Keep an eye out for this newly launched widget on our news articles moving forward.  We will also be updating our most prominent past articles in an effort to keep the same look, feel and experience throughout the website.