
Staff Council

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The Staff Council has been hard at work since we gathered for the Harvest of Thanks social event last November. Thank you to all who joined us for this soon-to-be annual event.  Photos can be found on the Staff Council website.

Task Force: 

In November, the Staff Council leadership met with President Wang, who charged the council with convening a task force - in collaboration with Talent & Inclusion - to review WPI’s existing Flexible and Remote work policy and the practices related to summer hours. The task force was charged with providing recommendations to university leadership on both areas. 

In December, the task force met with stakeholders across divisions collecting feedback through large and small group listening sessions, held in person and virtually. These listening sessions were fruitful and were coupled with benchmarking data from other universities across Massachusetts. 

The task force continues to refine their recommendations in active discussion with university leadership. Thank you to everyone who participated in these feedback sessions or filled out the Feedback Form. The task force’s work is coming to a close, and we expect to share an update at our upcoming Staff Forum on Monday, May 20th. 

Staff Forum: 

The Staff Forum is scheduled for Monday, May 20th from 2:30 – 4:00 PM in the RCC Odeum. The Forum is being hosted by the Staff Council and Talent & Inclusion, with presentations from both. The program will conclude with an opportunity to socialize and meet candidates for the next Staff Council election. We will livestream the program to provide remote colleagues the opportunity to participate.  Mark your calendars and stay turned for more updates! 


The Staff Council election cycle is fast approaching.  We encourage you to consider nominating yourself or a peer to be on the ballot. Any regular continuing staff employee (excluding employees who are members of a union and members of the President’s Management Council) are eligible to be nominated and to vote.  An email with the nomination link will be sent to the community on April 8th. 


The Staff Council looks forward to continued engagement through the election process and our Staff Forum event in May. More details on the elections can be found on the Staff Council website.  


-Staff Council  

Lusine Baghsarian, Bill Battelle, Adrienne Boertjens, Nicole Caligiuri, Jennifer Cluett, Amy Curran, Diane Dubois, Roxanne Gardner, Mike Hamilton, Kim Hollan, Pat Howe, Caitlin Keller, Alesia LeSane, Nicole Luiz, Kristin Marengo, Sarah Miles, Elena Morganelli, and Theona Scola.