Industry Visit with Nokia Bell Labs ft. Markus Hofmann, Executive Vice President

Thursday, May 9, 2024
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Floor/Room #
Classroom 105


Beyond Screens and Sounds - The Future of Multi-Modal Interactions


"This talk will lay out a long-term vision for the future of human collaboration, communication, and interactions. It will discuss approaches to solving the key technical challenges as we move towards realizing this vision - to provide people with enhanced awareness of their world, to help them better sense and interpret their digital and physical environments, to enable the long-distance exchange of people’s emotions and perceptions, and to augment and improve the human experience in a digitally connected world. The talk will take a software- and systems-focused perspective, discussing how AI-enabled devices revolutionize the diagnosis and prediction of diseases, how analytic-based approaches to infrastructure automation help tame the ever-increasing network complexity, how a world-wide platform for real-time analytics helps make sense of the billions of data streams from IoT devices, and how software might - or might not - be created by artificial intelligence."

Brief bio: 

Markus Hofmann is an Executive Vice President at Nokia Bell Labs Research, leading the Software and Data Systems Research. His work covers the invention, design, implementation, and deployment of large-scale software, communication, and data analytic systems, and of applications that build on top of them. What drives him is the combination of developing technology visions, performing the bleeding-edge research needed to realize them, and then drive their commercialization towards successful market solutions. Markus has a Ph.D. with honors in Computer Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe in Germany. For more information, please visit my website



Nokia Bell Labs, DS Industry Visit



Data Science
Contact Person
Kelsey Briggs