PhD Seminar Series: Reverse Supply Chain in the Semiconductor Industry: Examining the Blockchain Implementation

Friday, March 1, 2024
10:00 am to 11:00 am
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Reverse Supply Chain in the Semiconductor Industry: Examining the Blockchain Implementation

In response to the challenges posed by the post-pandemic environment, businesses, especially in sectors like semiconductors, are exploring strategies to enhance supply chain efficiency. This article addresses the potential of reverse logistics, focusing on the semiconductor industry, which faced a severe chip shortage during the pandemic. The security risks associated with unauthorized access to end-of-use products and the challenges of counterfeit detection and return fraud are highlighted. Blockchain technology emerges as a promising solution to enhance transparency and trust between Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Platforms. The study introduces a reverse supply chain model and employs an evolutionary game to assess scenarios of Blockchain adoption by both OEMs and Platforms. The impact of fluctuations in Blockchain transaction costs, government intervention, and consumer campaigns is examined. Additionally, the article explores the role of uncertified markets as potential disruptors and evaluates the effectiveness of their resilience-driven strategies. The findings underscore the importance of cooperation and prompt responses in achieving stability and encouraging Blockchain adoption in supply chains.



Sahar Bajgani

Sahar Bajgani is a PhD student at the School of Business at the Worcester Polytechnique Institute. Her research interests are in Supply chain management and game theory and blockchain. She has worked on the application of game theory on solving supply chain problems with respect to healthcare challenges during Covid-19 pandemic.

Sahar's study was presented on IFAC MIM 2022 conference in Nantes, France and was awarded Commended Paper Award.

Prior to WPI she received her BSc. in applied mathematics from Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Iran, and her master’s in industrial engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology.





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