Professor Liang’s research explores the physics of interfaces between the nanometer and micron scales. Her team responds to the challenging interdisciplinary nature of their research endeavor through successful collaboration with colleagues with expertise in metrology, physics, bioscience, medical science, chemistry, and fire protection engineering. Her educational effort includes novel approaches to project-based learning and global centers for science and engineering. She has created three new courses with technical focuses on nanomaterials (ME4875/MTE575/MTE594), nanobiotechnology (ME/CHE 2301) and additive manufacturing (MTE 594). She enjoys fruitful research experience with our capable graduate and undergraduate students.

Professor Liang’s research explores the physics of interfaces between the nanometer and micron scales. Her team responds to the challenging interdisciplinary nature of their research endeavor through successful collaboration with colleagues with expertise in metrology, physics, bioscience, medical science, chemistry, and fire protection engineering. Her educational effort includes novel approaches to project-based learning and global centers for science and engineering. She has created three new courses with technical focuses on nanomaterials (ME4875/MTE575/MTE594), nanobiotechnology (ME/CHE 2301) and additive manufacturing (MTE 594). She enjoys fruitful research experience with our capable graduate and undergraduate students.
Scholarly Work
Xu, Y., Lu, Y., Liang, J. & Sisson, R. D. (2018). Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V with Various Post-Heat Treatments. Materials Science and Technology, vol. 35 89-97
Cen, Y., Fan, Y., Qin, Q., Sisson, R.D., Apelian, D. and Liang, J. (2019). Synthesis of Si Anode Having a Microsized-branched Structure from Recovered Al Scrap for use in Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 410–411, 31-37
Kheirandish, E., Kouklin, N. A. and Liang, J. (2018). Light Emission by Nanoporous GaN Produced by a Top-Down, Nonlithographical Nanopatterning. Journal of Nanomaterials.
Xu, Y., Lu, Y., Sandberg, K. L., Liang, J., & Sisson, R. D. (2017). Effect of Annealing Treatments on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Direct Metal Laser Sintered Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26(6), 2572-2582.
Cen, Y., Qin, Q., Sisson, R. D., & Liang, J. (2017). Effect of Particle Size and Surface Treatment on Si/Graphene Nanocomposites Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes. Electrochimica Acta, 251, 690-698.
Geng, X., Cen, Y., Sisson, R. D. ,& Liang, J. (2016). An Effective Approach towards the Immobilization of PtSn Nanoparticles on Noncovalent Modified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Ethanol Electrooxidation. Energies, 9(3), 165.