Laura J. Eckelman is a theatrical lighting designer, production manager, and educator. She has worked professionally with theater companies, schools, and other institutions across the country, including Yale Repertory Theatre, Studio Theatre, Theater J, Keegan Theater, Triad Stage, The Welders, Perseverance Theatre, the Bearded Ladies Cabaret, Bang on a Can’s Asphalt Orchestra, Capital Fringe, the New York Urban Theatre Festival, PTP NYC, the Byrdliffe Arts Festival, the International Festival of Arts & Ideas, University of the Incarnate Word, Connecticut College, the Bard College Vocal Arts Program, and many others. Laura comes to WPI from Washington College, where she was chair, associate professor, production manager, and resident designer in the Department of Theatre & Dance. She is a proud alumna of Middlebury College and Yale School of Drama, and was a 2012 recipient of the S&R Washington Award. laurajeckelman.com

Laura J. Eckelman is a theatrical lighting designer, production manager, and educator. She has worked professionally with theater companies, schools, and other institutions across the country, including Yale Repertory Theatre, Studio Theatre, Theater J, Keegan Theater, Triad Stage, The Welders, Perseverance Theatre, the Bearded Ladies Cabaret, Bang on a Can’s Asphalt Orchestra, Capital Fringe, the New York Urban Theatre Festival, PTP NYC, the Byrdliffe Arts Festival, the International Festival of Arts & Ideas, University of the Incarnate Word, Connecticut College, the Bard College Vocal Arts Program, and many others. Laura comes to WPI from Washington College, where she was chair, associate professor, production manager, and resident designer in the Department of Theatre & Dance. She is a proud alumna of Middlebury College and Yale School of Drama, and was a 2012 recipient of the S&R Washington Award. laurajeckelman.com