I am a mathematical physicist working on the development and application of mathematical methods to atmospheric research and satellites orbits. As part of this research, I am also developing new methods for the use of symmetry principles to solve differential equations. I have taught a broad spectrum of applied math courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels.

I am a mathematical physicist working on the development and application of mathematical methods to atmospheric research and satellites orbits. As part of this research, I am also developing new methods for the use of symmetry principles to solve differential equations. I have taught a broad spectrum of applied math courses on the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Scholarly Work
Structure of polytropic stars in General Relativity
Astrophysics and Space Science 364(7)117, nine pages, 2019 2019
M. Humi - Analytic Solutions for Long's Equation and its Generalization,
Nonlin. Processes in Geophysics, 24, pp. 727-735 2017
Solutions to Painleve III and Other Nonlinear Equations
by a Generalized Cole-Hopf Transformation,
Math Meth App. Sci ,40, pp4092-4101 (2017) 2017
Satellite Orbits in Levi-Civita Space
Advances in Space Research Volume 61, Issue 5, 1 March 2018, Pages 1298-1306 2018
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
CRC press 2017 2017