Training for Student Educators

Graduate Teaching Assistants and undergraduate Peer Learning Assistants (PLAs), and those with similar titles such as Student/Senior Assistants and Senior Tutors, are hired directly by many departments and play an important role in supporting students and faculty. The Morgan Center provides training and development sessions for both of these populations.
TA Training
TA Orientation is held each August and January for graduate students receiving Teaching Assistantships. (Other graduate students hired on an hourly basis as course graders, graduate assistants, or graduate learning assistants should attend PLA training described below.) WPI policy is that this training is required for all first-time Teaching Assistants, regardless of prior teaching experience at WPI or elsewhere.
Dates for the next offering are Monday and Tuesday, January 13th and 14th, 2025. Please use this link to register: January 2025 TA Orientation Registration The training program includes some pre-work in a Canvas course; new TAs should receive a Canvas course invitation by email several days in advance of the program. Please contact the program coordinators at if you need assistance.
Current agenda: tbd
Past agendas for reference: August 2022, January 2023, August 2023, January 2024, August 2024
Training for PLAs, GLAs, Graders, and other Course Assistants
This training program is for all undergraduate and graduate students hired by departments or programs to assist instructors on an hourly basis in such roles as Peer Learning Assistant, Student Assistant, Graduate Learning Assistant, Course Grader, Senior Tutor, Graduate Assistant in the Business School, or other similar titles. (Graduate students receiving Teaching Assistantships should attend the program described above.) Training is divided into two separate modules to allow for more flexibility. We recommend all new student educators take BOTH parts, but in some cases only one may be needed. Please confirm with your professor which part(s) are required for your position. PLA training is offered at the beginning of each term (A, B, C, D).
Part 1: Grading, Ethics, and Responsibilities
This workshop is intended for graders, PLAs, GLAs, and other types of undergraduate and graduate assistants hired to grade student work of a quantitative nature (e.g., problem sets, calculations). This training includes some mock grading, tips on grading efficiently and consistently, and discussion of case studies that address ethical and legal issues related to grading and interaction with students.
Part 2: Techniques for Teaching and Learning
This workshop includes discussions of how courses are designed for optimal student learning, and how students learn and master course content. Participants will learn techniques for effective tutoring of individual students and groups, running conference and review sessions, facilitating group work, and teaching in diverse classrooms.
Spring 2025 PLA Training Schedule
C-Term and D-Term Course Assistant Training Sessions will be held in person and are listed below. Please register using the links provided. If your course schedule conflicts with a training session, we recommend that you attend an offering in the next term. In the meantime, let your instructor/supervisor know about the conflict so that they can provide you with necessary guidance.
TIME (Eastern) |
C | 1 | Wed | 22 Jan | 3 PM - 5 PM | CC: Hagglund | Registration |
C | 2 | Wed | 22 Jan | 12 PM - 2 PM | CC: Hagglund | Registration |
D | 1 | Mon | 24 Mar | 12 PM - 2 PM | IS: 1965 Conf | Registration |
D | 2 | Mon | 24 Mar | 3 PM - 5 PM | IS: 1965 Conf | Registration |